Planning For Change: 7 Signs It’s Time for an Upgrade

Do you know when to replace your boiler? If your boiler has already malfunctioned and is no longer providing heat or steam for your facility, you've waited too long. As you begin budgeting for the upcoming year, you can control the narrative and plan the change, which is definitely more preferable than facing an all out emergency in the middle of winter. 

Consider these 7 tell-tale signs that it may be time to start budgeting for planned improvements

The Age of Your System 

One of the first questions you should ask to begin determining when it's time to replace your boiler is "How long has the boiler been in service?" While most people know their boiler can't last forever, many people unfortunately treat it as if it should. 

Most boilers will give you an average lifespan anywhere between 15 up to 25 years. If your boiler is 23 years old and requiring significant repairs, it may be time to consider a new boiler. 


One of the most visibly noticeable signs of when you should replace your boiler is when you can see corrosion. While most of today's manufacturers will design boiler systems to resist corrosion for several years, broken valves and leaks allowing air in can and will lead to corrosion. Corrosion can also be caused by the reaction between the heat exchanger and burners.

However, you can quickly detect these types of problems with the standard annual maintenance from professionals. These inspections should detect the causes of corrosion prior to it setting in. Yet, if you have corrosion, it's usually best to have a new boiler install. 

Costs of Upkeep Continue Rising

Your boiler system requires regular repairs and maintenance to ensure it runs properly year after year. It's not unusual for you to spend money keeping the boiler running properly. However, if the amount you spend to keep your boiler running continuously increases every year, you may want to look at the cost of replacing the boiler. At a certain point, simply replacing the boiler with new equipment is a better investment than to continue paying for the increasing cost of repairs on the old boiler.

Reduced Efficiency

Like anything else — if you take care of your boiler, it will take care of you. Even though your boiler may continue to meet your needs, it may not do it as efficiently as it did in the beginning. Whenever your boiler starts to need more fuel than it originally did, it may be time to consider replacing your boiler with a newer, more energy efficient model. Today's more innovative technology is much more advanced than ever before, so a newer model can help slash your energy consumption and costs. 

Boiler Making Noises

Boiler systems are not engineered to be silent and should make a reasonable amount of noise. However, there are certain noises your boiler should never make. For instance, if your boiler is making a clanging noise, a loud banging type of noise, or any type of sound that would cause someone to startle — it's not a good sign and may indicate it's time to replace your boiler. These noises can indicate a pressure issue, a leak, or a blockage. At a minimum, the weird noises should be inspected by a professional. 


If you visibly notice your boiler is leaking, it's best to contact an experienced professional. In most instances, leaks aren't just a sign your boiler isn't operating efficiently. A leak could be an indication serious trouble isn't too far away. As a result, the moment you notice a leak or notice water pooling around your boiler, it's imperative to contact an expert. 

If your boiler has worn down too much with age, it becomes more likely to develop leaks at connection points and at valves. When your boiler leaks or requires extra make-up water, it may be an indication it's nearing the end of its lifecycle. By replacing the faulty boiler, facility managers and building owners can mitigate the likelihood of expensive floods, property damage, or critical boiler damage. 

Reduced Comfort in Your Facility

Another sign of when you should replace your boiler is when certain rooms in your facility are too cold, too hot, or have randomly varying temperatures throughout the day. If this explains your facility, it's highly likely the boiler and/or its controls are no longer effective for the building. It could also mean the facility would benefit from more efficient boiler controls. 

Contact Pro Star Mechanical to Know When to Replace Your Boiler 

Even if your boiler isn't failing immediately, choosing to upgrade to a newer, more efficient system can offer a full range of benefits.

If replacement isn't in your immediate future, you should at a very minimum schedule a boiler inspection for service or repair.

Regardless of your needs, the experts at Pro Star Mechanical can help. We offer decades of experience helping contractors, facility managers, building owners, and other stakeholders know when it's time to replace their equipment.