Tips and Protocols for Safely Re-opening Community Pools

Summer is approaching and the vaccine rollout has gained a lot of momentum in recent weeks. As the risks of COVID-19 begin to diminish, its time to start thinking about how to safely re-open HOA amenities, pools, and facilities. 

Following the proper procedures means navigating a number of different guidelines and regulations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), California state mandates, and local health ordinances. Every community is different and each board must make its own decision on when and how to safely reopen. 

Though the risks of COVID-19 may be getting lesser, its still important to take the proper precautions. If your community is weighing the decision to reopen pools, the following protocols may be helpful in determining how to reopen safely:

  1. Place signage at pool entrances reminding residents of pool rules and to follow social distancing both in the pool and around the area.

  2. Limit pool use to certain hours to better control the number of residents and avoid crowding. Communicate that pool use and hours subject to change to comply with COVID-19 protocols and precaution. 

  3. Have residents sign up to use the pool during scheduled intervals.

  4. If there are restrooms in the pool area, ensure the facilities have full hand sanitizer and soap dispensers and are cleaned and disinfected frequently.

  5. The pool are should be open for pool use only. Guests should not be permitted in the pool or pool area.

  6. Consider removing or taping off some of the pool area furniture so chairs left in place are 6 feet apart. 

If your pool facilities have been closed for an extended period of time, you’ll also want to make sure that your boilers and water heaters are in a suitable working condition. Preventive maintenance will help restore the condition of your equipment and optimize its usage and lifespan.

To schedule a complementary site survey or for more information, call us at 714-999-1177.